What are the Critical Features You Need for Billing and Practice Management?
May 10, 2018
Doug Sabanosh

Practice management and billing might not be the most exciting topic, but are the centerpiece  of any successful chiropractic clinic. Ideally, the two work together, so that patient records  become billable claims. This workflow drives the critical features you need in your chiropractic  practice management software which are: 

  • Patient Management 
  • Scheduling 
  • Billing 
  • The ability to process claims (both paper and electronic) 

Without these key features working together, your practice risks being mired in  miscommunication, inaccurate billings and lengthy transactions. So, let’s outline in a little more  detail what these features are and how software can help.  

Patient management is the backbone of you practice. Your patients are the lifeblood, and they  have a level of service expectation. When they arrive for an appointment (save for the initial  intake), they expect to see the chiropractor, not to deal with paperwork. Therefore, your  software needs to streamline the backend – your patient wants time with you, not your  software. Additionally, your software must be intuitive enough to ensure that it adapts to each  individual patient – whether it’s their unique scheduling needs, or the diagnostic or CPT codes  that were previously used for them. If your chiropractic software streamlines your patient  management, you’ll be able to spend more time giving your one-on-one, personalized service  to your patients – and that’s good for everyone.  

Scheduling is obviously an important feature because your practice must manage a complex  system of patient routines. Good practice management software is able to adjust to each  patient’s personal schedule and its fluctuations. It includes a scheduling component that truly  allows you to enter your patients’ personalized schedules and times, while adjusting to walk-ins  and call-ins efficiently and accurately.  

Billing keeps the lights on and the doors open, and at the end of the day a good chiropractic  software processes payments in a matter of days, not weeks. Good chiropractic software allows  you to streamline the process of creating a claim and sending it to the payer, to ensure you  receive reimbursement quickly. It should allow you to customize fee schedules per patient, per  case type, and allow you to truly refine and make an efficient billing process that’s right for your  practice. Centralizing your billing and customizing it to your chiropractic practice process  creates visibility and allows more time for you to spend with your patients.  Finally, collecting insurance payments is another vital piece of the chiropractic software puzzle.  Collecting insurance reimbursements is a process that must be accurate to ensure compliance and collection. Good chiropractic software tracks how much money came in, on which claims,  how much was covered, how much was not covered, and how much is the patient’s  responsibility. Your software should allow you to sort different criteria and display a report, so  you can quickly understand where your practice stands with each claim. Features such as  transaction reports or financial claims reports enable you to see where you stand for the day,  month, and/or year, so you can ensure that you’re on pace with your margins and goals.  

Key Takeaways 

  1. Your practice management software needs to streamline the backend processing and  must be intuitive enough to ensure that it adapts to each individual patient. 2. Your chiropractic software needs to adjust to each patient’s personal schedule and its  fluctuations, while adjusting to walk-ins and call-ins efficiently and accurately. 3. Your software needs to allow you to customize fee schedules per patient, per case type,  and allow you to refine the billing process to your unique practice. 
  2. Your practice management software needs to track how much money came in, on which  claims, how much was covered, how much was not covered, and how much the patient  is responsible for.

Learn more at Chiro8000.

For more information about chiropractic management software, read: 

How to Find the Right Chiropractic Practice Management Software

5 Reasons You Need Great Customer  Service and Software Support

Why is Putting Practice Management Software in the Cloud Not Always the Right Decision

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What are the Critical Features You Need for Billing and Practice Management?

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