5 Reasons You Need Great Customer Service and Software Support
May 14, 2018
Doug Sabanosh

With Chiro8000, you get the best possible software support in the industry (provided by  trained professionals in the chiropractic field), which will result in increased efficiency,  productivity, a better doctor-patient relationship and experience with your business. To  give great customer service you need to get great customer service from your software  provider. And at Chiro8000 we specialize in great customer service for our Doctors. 

A Single Solution for Improved Customer Service 

With faster data recording, improved billing processes, easier scheduling, and real-time  data accessibility; you get all the software tools you need for success. These are all  features that are unified into our single application software solution – Chiro8000. But you also get our software support team to act as an extension of your support team.  Below are the five reasons you need great support from your software provider. 

Five Reasons You Need Great Software Support 

With the right support system for your software in place, you can: 

  1. Give clients the service they require: If technology is not up to standard, it can compromise a customer relationship. By maximizing your software’s efficiency (and preventing consistent bugs and issues from happening), you will maximize the  effectiveness of your office. 
  2. Save time: Chiro8000 is designed to improve the workflow of each staff member in  a chiropractic office. By decreasing the doctor’s note-recording time, they will be  able to provide the saved time back to their patients and see more patients daily. 
  3. Enhance security: The patient data you keep is classified as ‘sensitive information.’  That is why it’s of utmost importance to protect it with good security and a reliable  backup system. Being an on-premise storage solution, Chiro8000 offers you a  reduced risk of a data breach as cyber attackers will have far more difficulty  breaching into a system that’s backed up locally than they would into a cloud storage  system. We help safeguard your chiropractic office against cyber-attacks. 
  4. Embracing new technology to advance: When it comes to technologies that are  designed specifically for chiropractors, your office may already be using them. If you  are using outdated software; know there are newer technologies available that better 

suit your practice and can maximize your potential. It also means that by being  supported directly by your software provider, you’ll have access to resources that  perhaps weren’t available to you previously and you will be able to resolve issues  quickly. 

  1. Receiving customized service: Every chiropractic office is unique, which means  that needs differ from one office to the next. With a professional support team, you  will get customized service tailored to your office requirements and needs. Our tech  support staff have been rigorously trained to provide solutions that work specifically  for your office. They’re able to identify your needs and problems, provide guidance,  training, and provide immediate solutions. 


RightFit is a program that comes with every Chiro8000 software package and is there to  get your practice up-and-running in the software. It encompasses everything you need  to install the software, without having to be a computer programmer. You can also get  one-to-one help from a trained professional, who will log into your system, install it, set it  up with your office specifics (your fee schedules, staff, calendar, security levels,  and diagnostic codes,) and fine tune it to fit your requirements. The support professional  will also walk you through the program and provide you with the functional knowledge  and training you need to use the program successfully. 

After everything is set up and you start using Chiro8000, you have many professionals on hand for help with any future questions, training, and any issue that may come up. 


Excellent customer service makes you memorable. When a patient walks through the  door with neck or back pain, they only want the pain to go away. When they are relieved  from pain, patients are grateful and remember your service as something to be  cherished. With great word of mouth and great referrals you have a great business. 

Maybe now is the right time to ask yourself if your software provider committed to  helping your practice thrive? 

For more information about chiropractic management software, read: 

How to Find the Right Chiropractic Practice Management Software

5 Reasons You Need Great Customer  Service and Software Support

Why is Putting Practice Management Software in the Cloud Not Always the Right Decision

5 most Critical Features You Need from Chiropractic Software

What are the Critical Features You Need for Billing and Practice Management?

5 Most Critical Features You Need from Chiropractic Software

How Our Customer Service Helps You Get  the Most from Your Chiropractic Software

How to Find the Right Chiropractic Practice Management Software