Social Media Marketing
for Real Estate Agents
Only $139 / Month
No contracts, no set up fees, 48 hour launch

Service Details

Our design experts will help you size a headshot and cover photo, and upload the pictures to your social networks. Your complimentary cover photo will be relevant to your state specific real estate business, as well as optimized for size specifications for Facebook, X and LinkedIn. Keeping a consistent look and feel across your social media accounts is important for your personal brand!

Page Setup
Presentation is everything! Not only will we design your page so you look like a professional online, we can create you a brand new Facebook and X page from scratch for no extra cost. We will add your company’s name, slogan, logo and other personal branding elements to your social profiles.

Whether we create a social network for you, or it’s an account you already have, we will help boost your following! By helping you invite your friends and contacts to connect with you on social media, we will ensure you have an audience from the start.

Top Networks
Are you online? 87% of homeowners expect their real estate agent to be active on social media! We post for you on a daily basis to the top three networks in the world.
- FACEBOOK 2.98 billion monthly users
- X 540 million monthly users
- LINKEDIN 310 million monthly users

When people are searching for your real estate business, having an optimized URL on Facebook, X and LinkedIn will help your profiles show up in search engine results. When you show up towards the top, your clients will know that you are an active real estate agent!

Mobile Ready
We guarantee your profiles are responsive and adjust to every screen size. Over 70% of users access social media from their mobile devices. Our mobile-ready content helps ensure you’re always connected with your audience, keeping you top of mind.

Forget the technical hassle. We have an amazing support team that can be reached anytime by email or phone. Your account manager will guide you through the initial setup, answering any questions you may have. We make sure your accounts are launched correctly and ready to go!

Quick Setup
Our setup process is quick and painless. As soon as we have all of your information, we can start posting for you within the next business day. Then, you can get back to what you do best, which is running your real estate business!
Happy Partners
“I absolutely love using DCS Social for my real estate business! Their posts to my social accounts has been a game-changer for me. It not only saves me a ton of time, it helps me build a strong online presence and attract potential clients. The convenience of having my content automatically shared across multiple platforms has significantly increased my visibility and allowed me to showcase my expertise. With DCS Social managing my social media, I can focus on running my business and providing exceptional service to my clients. I highly recommend DCS Social to any real estate agent looking to grow their social following and reputation in the industry.”
“My social profiles have been receiving fantastic responses and likes. The engagement within my social circle has seen a remarkable boost, leading to a 25% surge in my followers and contacts. I have recommended DCS Social to some colleagues, especially the ones that aren’t social media savvy, or don’t have time to post on a regular basis. The quality of content gets likes, and improves my image in the industry. I highly recommend DCS Social to any agent. I should be selling to clients and running my business on a daily basis, not spending hours trying to think of social media posts.”
“I love DCS Social! They auto-post to my Facebook, X/Twitter, and LinkedIn accounts for me, which saves me a ton of time. I don’t have to worry about posting on social anymore, and I can focus on expanding my business. DCS Social helps me build a good reputation with the high-quality content posts that my followers like. I’ve definitely seen an increase in business since using DCS Social, and I would highly recommend them to any real estate agent.”
These are some of the brokerages we work with

Let’s get started!
Put your social media on auto-pilot today!
No setup fees, no contracts, no obligations – cancel anytime.
$139.00/ month