10 Common Lies a Marketing Agency Might Tell to Get Business
June 27, 2024
Doug Sabanosh

10 Common Lies a Marketing Agency Might Tell to Get Business

Many marketing agencies will tell you exactly what you want to hear just to win your business. From overestimating their capabilities to hiding extra costs, these deceptions are more common than you might think. First and foremost, any guarantee made by an agency should draw a red flag simply because of the dynamic nature of marketing.

Here are some common lies a marketing agency might use to get your business. Read them and be better prepared to navigate the selection process and choose a marketing agency partner you can trust. Or ignore these and hire a marketing consultant like me who is more accessible, more transparent, and will make your business the priority.

Untruth: “We guarantee first-page Google rankings.”

This is a common claim and should be taken with some caution. Search engine ranking depends on so many factors, and even top SEO agencies can’t guarantee the top spot or even the first page.

SEO is an unpredictable field with many moving parts, and no one can or should guarantee first-page results. If a marketing agency promises guaranteed rankings, it’s a red flag. Reliable agencies focus on long-term strategies rather than quick fixes. Even Google admits, “…in most cases, SEO needs four months to a year to help your business first implement improvements and then see potential benefit.Watch the video here.

SEO results can never be guaranteed due to constantly changing algorithms and competition. Claiming to guarantee first-page Google rankings is misleading and often unrealistic (or a lie) for several reasons.

First, Google’s search algorithms are highly complex and constantly evolving, making it impossible for any agency to guarantee specific rankings. Factors such as competition, search trends, and algorithm updates can significantly impact search engine results.

Moreover, ethical SEO practices prioritize long-term strategies focused on improving website authority, relevance, and user experience, rather than gaming the system for short-term gains. Agencies that promise guaranteed rankings may resort to black-hat SEO techniques, which can lead to penalties from search engines and long-term damage to a website’s reputation and visibility.

Instead, reputable SEO agencies focus on transparently improving overall organic performance through strategic optimization, content quality, and user engagement metrics, aiming for sustainable growth rather than empty promises of instant results.

While a marketing agency can enhance your visibility, claiming guaranteed first-page Google rankings is misleading. SEO involves many variables outside any agency’s control. Effective SEO is a complex, ongoing process that doesn’t allow for absolute promises. Trustworthy marketing agencies focus on improving your SEO steadily, rather than promising guaranteed first-page Google rankings. Prioritize long-term growth over quick, unreliable fixes is how honest agencies will approach your SEO needs.

What to Look for Instead:

When evaluating SEO agencies, consider the following:

Transparent Practices:
Look for agencies that explain their SEO strategies clearly and provide regular reports on progress without making unrealistic promises.

Customized Strategies:
Reputable agencies will develop tailored strategies based on your specific business needs, industry, and target audience.

Focus on Long-Term Success:
Good SEO is a long-term investment. Agencies should focus on sustainable growth through ethical practices rather than quick fixes.

Measurable Goals:
Rather than guaranteeing rankings, agencies should set measurable goals like increased organic traffic, improved conversion rates, and higher engagement metrics.

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Untruth: “Our one-size-fits-all approach will work for your business.”

Claiming that a one-size-fits-all approach will effectively work for every business is misleading and ignores the unique challenges and dynamics of individual businesses. Every business operates within its specific industry, target market, competitive landscape, and customer demographics, each requiring tailored strategies for success. A standardized approach fails to account for these and many other critical differences, potentially leading to ineffective marketing campaigns that do not resonate with the target audience or achieve desired outcomes. There is no one-size fits all marketing solution – even in the same industry. What works for one SaaS company or Financial Services firm, does not always work for the other.

Effective marketing strategies are built on understanding and addressing the specific needs, goals, and nuances of each individual business. It involves thorough research, analysis, and customization to develop strategies that align closely with the business’s objectives and market conditions. Agencies that advocate for a one-size-fits-all approach may prioritize efficiency over effectiveness, potentially neglecting crucial aspects of a business’s unique identity and customer base. Instead, successful marketing initiatives thrive on flexibility, creativity, and a deep understanding of the intricacies that differentiate one business from another, ensuring strategies are not only relevant but also impactful in achieving sustainable growth and success.

What to Look for Instead:

When evaluating marketing agencies, it’s crucial to look for flexibility, customization, and a deep understanding of your business. Here’s what to consider:

Customized Strategies:

  • Tailored Approach: Look for agencies that offer customized marketing strategies based on a thorough understanding of your business, industry, target audience, and goals.
  • Initial Assessment: Agencies should conduct a comprehensive assessment of your current marketing efforts, competitive landscape, and market opportunities before proposing strategies.

Industry Expertise:

  • Relevant Experience: Choose agencies with experience in your industry or similar businesses. Industry-specific knowledge allows for more effective strategies that capitalize on industry trends and consumer behaviors.

Adaptability and Innovation:

  • Flexible Solutions: Seek agencies that can adapt strategies based on ongoing performance data and market changes. Flexibility allows for adjustments that optimize results over time.
  • Innovative Thinking: Look for agencies that demonstrate creative thinking and innovative approaches to solving marketing challenges specific to your business.

Clear Communication and Collaboration:

  • Open Dialogue: Ensure the agency communicates openly about their approach, methodologies, and expected outcomes. They should involve you in decision-making processes and strategy development.
  • Regular Updates: Agencies should provide regular updates on campaign performance, along with insights and recommendations for improvement based on data analysis.

Track Record and Results:

Proven Success: Evaluate the agency’s track record through case studies, client testimonials, and performance metrics. Look for evidence of successful campaigns that align with your goals and expectations.

Untruth: “We have worked with companies just like yours.”

While it may feel reassuring to hear that an agency has experience in your industry, take this claim with a grain of salt. It’s common for agencies to exaggerate their experience. The assertion that “We have worked with companies just like yours” can be misleading without clear context and specificity.

While an agency may have experience in a particular industry or sector, each company within that category possesses unique characteristics, challenges, and strategic goals. Success in one company does not automatically translate to success in another, as variables such as company size, market positioning, target audience, and internal culture can vary significantly.

Therefore, while industry familiarity can provide a foundation for understanding trends and challenges, effective strategies require a nuanced approach that acknowledges and addresses the distinct needs and objectives of each individual client. Agencies that emphasize their industry experience should substantiate this claim with specific case studies and examples that demonstrate their ability to tailor strategies effectively to diverse client scenarios, ensuring relevance and meaningful results. Always ask for specific examples and references to verify their claims.

What to Look for Instead:

When evaluating an agency that claims “We have worked with companies just like yours,” consider the following aspects to ensure their experience aligns with your specific needs:

Tailored Case Studies and Examples:

Request specific case studies or examples where the agency has successfully addressed challenges similar to yours. Look for details on how they adapted strategies to meet unique client objectives within your industry or sector.

Understanding of Unique Challenges:

Evaluate the agency’s depth of understanding regarding the specific challenges your company faces. They should demonstrate knowledge of industry nuances, regulatory requirements, market trends, and competitive landscapes relevant to your business.

Customization and Flexibility:

Assess the agency’s approach to customization. They should propose tailored solutions that reflect a thorough assessment of your company’s goals, target audience, and market positioning, rather than relying on generalized strategies.

Client References and Testimonials:

Seek references from clients with similar profiles to yours. Testimonials can provide insights into how effectively the agency understands and addresses specific industry challenges and business objectives.

Collaborative Partnership:

Look for an agency that emphasizes collaboration and open communication. They should engage in meaningful dialogue to align strategies with your evolving business needs and goals over time.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation:

Inquire about the agency’s commitment to staying updated with industry trends and evolving their approach based on new developments. This ensures they can offer innovative solutions that remain relevant in a dynamic business environment.

Transparency and Communication:

Ensure the agency communicates transparently about their past experiences and how they relate to your unique situation. They should be clear about the lessons learned and how they apply to your specific challenges.

Untruth: “We handle everything in-house.”

The claim “We handle everything in-house” might not tell the whole story if you don’t dig deeper. While some agencies may have core services and expertise internally, most rely on external partnerships or subcontracting for specialized tasks. It’s important to clarify what “in-house” means for the agency—whether it pertains to strategic planning, creative development, technical implementation, or all aspects of their services.

You should inquire about the specific capabilities that are truly handled internally versus outsourced. Furthermore, transparency is crucial; agencies should openly communicate about their network of partners, subcontractors, or freelancers involved in delivering comprehensive services. If they don’t, beware. Any agency that bends the truth and doesn’t let you know how they do business from the onset, is one you probably don’t want to work with. Ensure you have a clear understanding of who is managing their projects and the quality control measures they have in place across all aspects of their campaign or project management.

What to Look for Instead:

When evaluating marketing agencies, it’s crucial to understand their operational model. Here’s what to consider:

Transparency and Honesty:

  • Open Communication: Look for agencies that are transparent about their processes and whether they outsource certain tasks. Honest agencies will openly discuss their partnerships and collaborations.
  • Clear Contracts: Ensure that the contract or agreement specifies which services are handled in-house and which might be outsourced. This helps manage expectations and ensures accountability.

Quality Assurance:

  • Quality Control Processes: Ask about the agency’s quality control measures for outsourced work. How do they ensure that the work meets their standards and your expectations?
  • Project Management: Understand their project management practices. How do they coordinate with external partners, and who is your point of contact for various aspects of the campaign?

Expertise and Capabilities:

  • In-House Team Skills: Inquire about the skills and experience of their in-house team. Knowing their core competencies can give you confidence in their ability to handle key aspects of your campaign.
  • Network of Partners: An agency’s network of trusted partners and freelancers can be a strength if managed properly. Ask about their vetting process for selecting external collaborators.

Results and Reporting:

  • Performance Tracking: Ensure that the agency provides regular updates and detailed reports on campaign performance, regardless of whether the work is done in-house or outsourced.
  • Accountability: Agencies should take full responsibility for the final output, ensuring that all aspects of the campaign, whether in-house or outsourced, contribute to your marketing goals.

Untruth: “More website traffic equals more sales.”

Claiming that “more website traffic equals more sales” oversimplifies the relationship between website visits and actual conversions. While increased traffic can potentially lead to more sales opportunities, the quality of traffic, user engagement, website usability, and conversion optimization are crucial factors that determine whether visitors convert into paying customers. Therefore, focusing solely on traffic numbers without addressing these factors can result in missed opportunities for improving overall sales performance.
What to Look for Instead:

Instead of focusing solely on increasing website traffic as a direct pathway to more sales, consider the following strategies to enhance overall sales performance:

Quality Traffic Acquisition:

Emphasize attracting targeted traffic relevant to your business through precise audience targeting, SEO strategies that prioritize relevant keywords, and targeted advertising campaigns.

User Engagement and Experience:

Prioritize user experience (UX) improvements to enhance website usability, navigation, and mobile responsiveness. Engage visitors with compelling content, clear calls-to-action (CTAs), and intuitive design that guides them towards conversion points.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO):

Implement CRO techniques to optimize landing pages, forms, and checkout processes to maximize conversion rates from existing traffic. Test and refine strategies based on analytics and user feedback to continuously improve results.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM):

Focus on nurturing leads and maintaining relationships with existing customers through personalized communication, follow-ups, and tailored marketing campaigns that address their specific needs and preferences.

Data-Driven Insights:

Utilize analytics tools to track and analyze visitor behavior, conversion paths, and sales funnel effectiveness. Use data insights to make informed decisions and adjustments to your marketing strategies and website performance.

Untruth: “We use proprietary technology that no one else has.”

The claim of using “proprietary technology that no one else has” is often misleading in the world of technology and marketing. While some agencies may have unique tools or methodologies, claiming exclusive ownership of technology can exaggerate its uniqueness or overlook similar technologies available in the market. It can also be a sign of an agency attempting to differentiate itself without substantial evidence of the technology’s distinctiveness or superiority. Such claims may indicate a lack of transparency or an attempt to create a perceived competitive advantage where none exists. Businesses should dig deeper by asking for specifics on how the technology stands out from others, what advantages it offers, and how well it fits their specific needs. Transparency is key; reputable agencies should clarify whether their technology is truly proprietary or if it integrates existing tools in a unique way. Ultimately, the focus should be on how effectively the technology enhances service delivery and improves outcomes, rather than solely on its exclusivity.
What to Look for Instead:

When evaluating an agency’s claims about proprietary technology, consider the following:

Transparency and Demonstration:

  • Request Demonstrations: Ask for a demonstration of the claimed proprietary technology. This can provide insight into how it works and whether it truly offers unique advantages.
  • Detailed Explanations: Request detailed explanations of what makes their technology proprietary. Ask how it differs from industry-standard tools and what unique benefits it offers.

Client Case Studies:

  • Proven Results: Look for case studies and client testimonials that show how the technology has delivered specific results. Real-world examples can provide evidence of effectiveness.
  • Industry Recognition: Check if the technology has received any industry awards or recognition, which can validate its uniqueness and impact.

Comparison with Competitors:

  • Benchmarking: Compare the agency’s claimed proprietary technology with tools and technologies used by other agencies. This can help determine if the technology is genuinely unique or just a branded customization.
  • Third-Party Reviews: Look for independent reviews or analyses of the technology. Third-party evaluations can offer an unbiased perspective on its uniqueness and effectiveness.

Focus on Strategy and Execution:

  • Holistic Approach: Effective marketing relies on strategy, creativity, and execution, not just tools. Assess the agency’s overall approach and how they integrate technology into their broader strategy.
  • Customization for Your Needs: Ensure that any technology, proprietary or not, is tailored to your specific business needs and goals.

Untruth: “Your account will be managed by senior experts.”

This claim is misleading and/or oversimplified. Think about it with your own business: Is every account managed by senior experts? While senior experts may oversee strategic direction and provide guidance, the day-to-day management of client accounts typically involves a mix of senior and junior staff. This blend allows agencies to allocate resources effectively, with junior team members handling tasks under the supervision of senior leadership. You should inquire about the actual level of senior involvement in their account management, seeking clarity on who their main points of contact will be and how decisions are made. Also, consider what aspects of your account actually need senior management and what tasks can fall to the junior ranks. As always, transparency is crucial to understanding how expertise is distributed within the agency and ensuring that your needs are met consistently and effectively throughout the engagement.
What to Look for Instead:

When evaluating agencies that claim senior-level management, consider the following factors to ensure realistic expectations and effective service delivery:

Team Structure and Expertise:

  • Role Clarity: Understand the roles and responsibilities of senior experts versus junior team members. Ensure that the team composition aligns with your specific needs and expectations.
  • Access and Availability: Clarify how accessible senior experts will be for strategic discussions, major decisions, and addressing critical issues that may arise.

Agency Reputation and Track Record:

  • Client Testimonials: Seek client testimonials or references to gauge the agency’s ability to deliver results and provide quality service.
  • Performance Metrics: Look for evidence of successful campaigns and measurable outcomes that demonstrate the agency’s expertise and effectiveness.

Communication and Collaboration:

  • Open Communication: Ensure the agency maintains open communication channels and provides regular updates on campaign progress, performance metrics, and strategic adjustments.
  • Collaborative Approach: Evaluate how the agency collaborates internally to leverage both senior-level strategy and junior-level execution effectively.

Continuous Improvement and Learning:

  • Training and Development: Inquire about the agency’s commitment to ongoing staff training and development. This ensures that junior team members continue to grow their skills and expertise over time.

Alignment with Business Goals:

  • Customized Approach: Look for agencies that customize their strategies to align with your business goals, industry nuances, and target audience characteristics.

Untruth: “We need a huge budget to get you results.”

Any agency that claims this, is not worth pursuing. This statement shows they haven’t listened to you and really have no interest in listing to you. Any worthwhile agency will take your budget to heart and outline a plan accordingly. Big budgets only equate to one thing: big spending. While budgetary considerations are important for scaling your marketing efforts, success in marketing depends more on strategic allocation and efficient use of resources rather than sheer magnitude. Like most things, throwing money at a problem or challenge doesn’t mean success. Effective campaigns focus on targeting the right audience, crafting compelling messaging, and leveraging channels that resonate with potential customers. Moreover, creativity, innovation, and understanding of market dynamics play crucial roles in achieving impactful results within a reasonable budget. Agencies that overly emphasize budget size as the sole determinant of success may overlook opportunities for cost-effective solutions or fail to prioritize metrics that drive meaningful ROI. Instead, you should look for partners who emphasize strategy, transparency, and measurable outcomes, ensuring that budget allocations are aligned with achieving specific, achievable goals.
What to Look for Instead:

When evaluating marketing agencies, it’s important to understand their approach to budgeting and results. Here’s what to consider:

Results-Oriented Approach:

  • ROI Focus: Look for agencies that focus on delivering a strong return on investment (ROI) regardless of budget size. They should prioritize activities that drive the most value and impact.
  • Performance Metrics: Agencies should set clear, measurable goals and track performance against these metrics to ensure they are delivering results efficiently.

Customized Strategies:

  • Tailored Plans: Ensure the agency develops customized marketing strategies that align with your specific business goals, audience, and budget constraints.
  • Scalable Solutions: The agency should offer scalable solutions that can grow with your business, allowing for incremental increases in budget as needed.

Transparent Budgeting:

  • Clear Budget Allocation: The agency should provide a detailed breakdown of how your budget will be allocated across different activities and channels, ensuring transparency and accountability.
  • Flexible Spending: Look for flexibility in spending, where the agency can adjust allocations based on performance and changing priorities.

Innovative Thinking:

  • Creative Campaigns: Agencies should demonstrate a track record of innovative, creative campaigns that have delivered strong results without necessarily relying on large budgets.
  • Resourcefulness: Assess the agency’s ability to leverage existing assets, partnerships, and low-cost opportunities to maximize impact.

Long-Term Partnership:

  • Ongoing Support: Effective marketing requires ongoing effort and adaptation. Choose an agency that offers continuous support, monitoring, and optimization to ensure sustained results.
  • Collaborative Approach: The agency should work closely with you, understanding your business and adapting strategies as needed to ensure success within your budget constraints.

Untruth: “We are the best option available.”

Let’s face it, most agencies think they’re the best option available. Why wouldn’t they. But here’s where an agency has to be completely honest and transparent with you. Not every agency is the best option available. An agency that has a majority of e-commerce clients is most likely not the best option for a small B2B SaaS firm. Moreover, this claim is subjective. What constitutes the “best” option depends on a multitude of factors, including the specific needs, goals, and preferences of each individual business. Claims of superiority should be backed by tangible evidence such as case studies, client testimonials, industry awards, or demonstrated success metrics. Additionally, what may be optimal for one business might not necessarily align with another’s unique circumstances or strategic priorities. Therefore, you should approach this claim with critical evaluation and ask for clarity on methodologies, and assurances that the agency’s strengths align closely with their own objectives. Ultimately, the “best” option is one that faligns with your business and offers a tailored approach, clear communication, measurable results, and a collaborative partnership that drives sustainable growth and success.
What to Look for Instead:

When evaluating marketing agencies, it’s important to understand their approach to budgeting and results. Here’s what to consider:

Results-Oriented Approach:

  • ROI Focus: Look for agencies that focus on delivering a strong return on investment (ROI) regardless of budget size. They should prioritize activities that drive the most value and impact.
  • Performance Metrics: Agencies should set clear, measurable goals and track performance against these metrics to ensure they are delivering results efficiently.

Customized Strategies:

  • Tailored Plans: Ensure the agency develops customized marketing strategies that align with your specific business goals, audience, and budget constraints.
  • Scalable Solutions: The agency should offer scalable solutions that can grow with your business, allowing for incremental increases in budget as needed.

Transparent Budgeting:

  • Clear Budget Allocation: The agency should provide a detailed breakdown of how your budget will be allocated across different activities and channels, ensuring transparency and accountability.
  • Flexible Spending: Look for flexibility in spending, where the agency can adjust allocations based on performance and changing priorities.

Innovative Thinking:

  • Creative Campaigns: Agencies should demonstrate a track record of innovative, creative campaigns that have delivered strong results without necessarily relying on large budgets.
  • Resourcefulness: Assess the agency’s ability to leverage existing assets, partnerships, and low-cost opportunities to maximize impact.

Long-Term Partnership:

  • Ongoing Support: Effective marketing requires ongoing effort and adaptation. Choose an agency that offers continuous support, monitoring, and optimization to ensure sustained results.
  • Collaborative Approach: The agency should work closely with you, understanding your business and adapting strategies as needed to ensure success within your budget constraints.

Untruth: “We don’t need your input; leave it all to us.”

Now I don’t think I’ve ever really heard this claim, but if you do, run! The assertion that “we don’t need your input” indicates a troubling approach in any client-agency relationship. Effective collaboration requires open communication and mutual understanding of goals and expectations. Two main themes throughout this article are Transparency and Communication. Without those, you’re leaving your marketing in the hands of people who most likely don’t have the vested interest you do.

Agencies that dismiss client input risk misalignment with business objectives, target audience nuances, and brand identity – not to mention the overall goal of marketing success. You and your team know your business better than any agency, so your involvement is crucial for providing insights into many things including company culture, customer preferences, and industry-specific challenges.

In addition, excluding your input may lead to generic solutions that fail to capture the essence of the brand or resonate with its audience. Your campaigns will fall flat and your brand will suffer. A successful partnership thrives on shared insights, collaborative decision-making, and a commitment to achieving mutual success through transparent communication and aligned strategies. After all, the marketing is for your business, not for their bottom line.

Consider Hiring a Marketing Consultant Instead of a Marketing Agency. You’ll be glad you did. 

When considering working with a marketing agency, consider several distinct advantages to working with a consultant instead. From personalized attention and specialized expertise to flexibility, cost efficiency, and direct communication, a consultant can significantly impact the strategic direction and effectiveness of marketing efforts.

Working with a marketing consultant can offer several distinct advantages compared to working with a marketing agency:


  • Personalized Attention: Consultants often provide more personalized attention and tailored strategies, focusing solely on your business’s unique needs without the constraints of servicing multiple clients simultaneously.
  • Specialized Expertise: Consultants typically bring deep expertise in specific areas of marketing, offering specialized knowledge and insights that may not be available within a generalist marketing agency.
  • Flexibility and Agility: Consultants can often adapt quickly to changing market conditions or business needs, offering more flexibility in strategy execution and responsiveness compared to larger agencies with structured processes.
  • Cost Efficiency: Engaging a consultant can be cost-effective for businesses that need targeted support or specific projects, avoiding the overhead costs associated with larger agency retainers and services.
  • Direct Communication: Working directly with a consultant often means direct access to decision-makers and streamlined communication channels, enhancing collaboration and decision-making processes within your organization.