How Real-Time Reporting Improves Your Business
February 5, 2018
Doug Sabanosh

In an environment where seconds count, real-time reports in a medical emergency can be the  difference between life and death. Real-time, patient care report (PCR) data provides an  important link in the continuum of patient care in the hospital – providing insights for hospital  clinicians to prepare treatment needs, equipment, and other resources required for patient  care. Real-time reporting also provides a precise record that can be used for clinical audit,  educational and statistical purposes and service planning. Moreover, real-time reports are a  legal record of each assessment observation and the care medication given to each patient in  transport. A properly completed PCR ensures protection and can be an essential aid if called to  the witness stand in court. 

Real-time reporting can and will fundamentally improve your business and your patient care, in  several different ways including: 

  1. Saving Time
  2. Providing valuable, up-to-date information
  3. Ensuring accurate, legible reporting
  4. Improving patient records for familiarity

Because of state regulations, and Medicare and Medicaid the the ePCR now no longer an if  decision but a when decision. So as the emergency medical field is incentivized to use EPCRs  and enhance communication, emergency medical services need to examine how real-time  reporting can be used to their advantage. The rest of this article will discuss these advantages.  

Saving Time 

Real-time reporting saves time, plain and simple – allowing EMT personnel to create a patient  care report (PCR) within five to ten minutes, in most cases. With a few touches of a button real time reporting enables patient information import – auto populating “frequent fliers”  demographics, vitals, and personal and billing information – including the last pick up and drop  off address. Real-time reporting communicates with the emergency destination to ensure a fast  and calculated handoff between EMT and emergency staff, further eliminating transfer  inefficiencies.  

For example, you’re on a frequent dialysis call, taking a patient to and from a dialysis center.  With an EPCR, a medic can simply flip-flop the pick-up and the drop off address, so your PCR on  the return trip is simple and fast. In addition, an EPCR gives EMTs the ability to do an EMS or  first responders worksheet, so when an engine first rolls onto the scene, they can take the real time information, and transfer it over to the responding crew with the tap of a button. 

Providing Valuable, Up-to-Date Information 

Real-time reporting provides better data, which leads to a faster treatment process and more  comprehensive and accurate billing (no under billing) – accentuating a faster cash flow cycle. By  recording countless details such as patients’ age, gender, main complaint, and medical history,  EMTs can view extracts of highly detailed data. For example: EMTs can see aggregated  information involving males 50 and older complaining of chest pain, or hypoglycemic diabetics  on hypertension medications. The search options are practically endless and provide valuable,  up-to-date information that can be used to better treat patients.  

Ensure Accurate Legible Reporting 

An immediately visible advantage of an EPCR is the elimination of handwritten, often  incomplete reports, which increases accuracy and ensures completion. In a “before and after” Georgetown University EMS study conducted between 2009 and 2010, researchers saw a 36- percent increase in EMS physical exam documentation completeness with the implementation  of EPCRs as they require a medic to complete certain fields in order to close or save the report.  Referred to in the EMS world as, “closed call rules,” virtually all EPCR systems allow  administrators to define required fields for all reports, increasing accuracy and completion.  

Improve patient records for familiarity 

Most EPCRs have the ability to digitize an agency’s paper PCS forms, refusal forms, and  authorization forms required for patient transports. Furthermore, all patient data such as name  and date of birth, auto-imports into the system and populates the appropriate fields. As a  result, all the patient’s data is transferred to the emergency destination’s care giver. They  simply pick up where the first responder left off, eliminating the double entry of data and saving the medic time.  

Emergency situations call for timely and accurate responses. The more time a first responder  can save, the more attention a medic can give to a patient. EPCRs have proven to save time  from data entry, deciphering handwriting, and confirming patient information prior to  submittal more quickly. Providing real-time report data is vital to giving EMTs and first  responders the tools they need to do what they do best, treat patients and save lives. 

To learn more about how ePCR can help you with compliance and at the same time turn the  adoption of the ePCR into an advantage for your medics and your business please feel to  contact us for a custom demo.