How an EPCR Impacts Your Top and Bottom Line
February 9, 2018
Doug Sabanosh

A strong EPCR platform offers many advantages for your medics to improve patient, it can also  care also improve the processes of your billing department and CQI team.  

And as important (if not even more important) than patient care the right ePCR can help your  business survive and thrive financially by impacting your topline and bottom-line results.  

Top Line 

  • Ensuring proper coding of claims
  • Reducing the number of rejected claims
  • Capturing billing opportunities


  • Increasing time for calls by reducing the time for paperwork
  • Processing Billing Faster
  • Reducing the need for pre-billing

The rest of this brief article will discuss the specific features of an ePCR that will have these impacts. 

Ensuring proper coding of claims 

Accurate and complete clinical information allows for the proper coding of claims, which can  increase the number of claims being billed and paid. EPCRs enable you to process your billing  faster by giving the biller direct input on setting the closed code rules, so all required fields are  highlighted in red throughout the report, guiding the user through the process to ensure  accurate completion. Additionally, billing diagnostic codes are linked to each patient’s  information, so a user doesn’t have to go back to review and code all the fields in the report  after it’s done.  

Reducing the number of rejected claims 

This complete data allows for proper documentation, which reduces the number of rejected claims or the need for timely and costly appeals. 

Capturing billing opportunities 

The accuracy and completion of patient care reports allows for faster filing and more streamlined compliance. The ability to define closed code rules and ensure report completion the first time, reduces time spent on each report. EPCRs also improve billing or your QI and QA 

systems by capturing billing opportunities and billable calls to make sure that you’re not only  meeting the need, you’re exceeding the need.  

Increasing time for calls by reducing the time for paperwork 

An EPCR platform gives you more time for calls, by decreasing the amount of paperwork. For  example, it eliminates the need to go back and forth recording amendment after amendment,  because the system has made sure you’ve done it right from the beginning.  

Processing Billing Faster 

An EPCR can process claims faster with either batch or individual filing, as well as allow for  automatic transmission to whatever billing program is used. An EPCR platform can be  integrated to allow users to automatically submit billing in real-time as it comes inbound – as  long as they’re connected. This integration features includes information required by Medicare,  such as automatic mileage calculation through geocoding, so it easily calculates your mileage – based off the pickup and drop off location, down to the tenth of a decimal. One touch billing  ensures faster processing, which leads to faster payment – especially for Medicare and  Medicaid.  

Finally, ensured legibility means the right information is included with the claims, which also creates a positive impact on revenues. 

Reducing the need for pre-billing 

An EPCR system can reduce the need for pre-billing. While the importance of reviewing each  call before it’s sent out for billing is understood, it’s also well-known that the review process  eats up a huge amount of time. Most EPCR platforms enable you to pre-load closed call rules  and highlight those required fields, greatly reducing the need for pre-billing. 


No matter how you slice it, an ePCR can greatly impact both your Top and Bottom-line, in a  positive way. Filing reports electronically not only ensures accuracy and completion, but it  stores valuable information that can be accessed in a moment’s notice. While these tools  enhancing communication and record-keeping, they also can make a business more accurate  and efficient, leading to positive revenue growth.